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Privacy Policy

AravGifts - Privacy Policy


We at AravGifts take the protection of your privacy extremely seriously. From a business and ethical standpoints, as well as from a business perspective, protecting your online privacy is crucial to us. We are pleased to share with you our privacy and security policy since it is truthful, transparent, and completely comprehensible. Our database of information about you is not sold. That is NOT how we generate revenue.


Without your express permission, we will never sell or rent your personal information to a third party for their marketing needs. We will also only use your information in the ways that are disclosed in the Privacy Policy. Your privacy is something that we value highly as a community. We are aware that one of our most valuable assets is you and Your Information. We process and keep your personal information on servers that are safeguarded by both technological and physical security measures. Our privacy principles are verified and certified by other organizations. Please refrain from using the Site if you are against the transmission or use of your information in this manner.

When you give us "personal" information, we may collect it. We might gather your name, mailing address, phone number, and email address, for instance, if you buy something from us. Your email address will be collected if you sign up for a newsletter. If you use any of the particular services we provide, we might also gather more personal data about you. Your personal information is used by us internally for things like processing orders and keeping you updated.

Without your permission, we will never trade, rent, or disclose the personal information we have gathered about you with another business for marketing reasons. We reserve the right to disclose your personal information to any third party who requests it in a manner that complies with the law. Otherwise, we won't divulge your name, address, or any other information that could be used to personally identify you to a third party without your permission. We reserve the right to gather broad demographic data as well as other anonymous data that does not directly relate to you. This data cannot be connected to you individually and is not linked to any of your personally identifiable information.

Send an email with your request to if you'd want us to stop sending you email announcements and other marketing materials or if you'd like us to delete any information we have about you.

Every time a user visits a page on our website, some types of information are stored using cookies and other technologies like pixel tags and clear gifs. Cookies allow this website to recognize the information you have given it with your consent and assist us in figuring out which parts of it are most suitable for your professional requirements. Additionally, we might use cookies to show you advertising ads. We may serve these banners directly or through a third party on our behalf. There will be no personal data in these cookies.

You can choose whether or not to allow cookies in your web browser. Most likely, if you haven't altered the settings on your machine, your browser already permits cookies. You might not be able to use all the features of the site if you decide to reject cookies. You can also remove or completely turn off the cookies that your browser uses. However, this might have a substantial influence on how you use our website and might render some of its features inoperable or inaccessible. It is advised that you keep them on.

On our behalf, third-party service providers deliver advertisements around the Internet and sporadically on this website. They might compile data that is anonymous about your use of our website, interactions with our goods and services, and trips there. They might target adverts for goods and services using information about your visits to this and other websites. The majority of significant websites utilize pixel tags, an industry-standard technology, to collect this anonymous data. In this procedure, no personally identifying data is gathered or used. They are unaware of the user's name, phone number, address, email address, or any other details that could be used to identify them personally.

Ask to have your personal data deleted.

When there is no valid reason for us to continue processing Personal Data, You have the right to request that we erase or remove it. You can; in order to exercise this right.

* Email us at with your request, or send a message to 9148671927 on WhatsApp.

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